Monday, 16 January 2012

Yes, i wont

Damn good, lagu ini menenangkan sekali...
Petikan gitar akustik nya jd kebayang a beautifful sunrise or watch the nite sky (bisa aja om dia bikin lirik lagu)

"And when you're needing your space To do some navigating I'll be here patiently waiting yo see what you find.." and he say, "i wont give up on us'"
ahhh macam apa laki-laki ini, pengen ketemu, patient and being navigator (hah, macam mu reli yak hahaha)

(But actually, man should be a driver not navigator since we, a woman, can only rely to him when a tidal wave has come, smile and say that everything will gonna be okay insyaallah)

So, where is he then ;p

Must Read !

Check my newest space at deviantart

A space where i submit my 'Junio Art work'.
Would be pleasant if any comment or critic submitted.

Waiting for your attendance =)